Page name: YYH Chibi Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-30 19:33:45
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 4
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I've seen so many YYH Lovers on ET, that I wanted to make a contest, chibi contest that is!^^

1. No nudity or sex
2. Must be YOUR OWN WORK!
3. Do your best.
4. No fighting over so-'n-so
5. No messages to owner are needed before entery.
7. If you have a non-colored entery, then you color it, message [Kiristo], before changing your entery. Or comment on the bottom. Also, you can have a total of 3 enteries.
6. Have fun!^^


Hand Drawn pics Place any and ONLY hand drawn enterys here.
Computer/Marker drawn pics Place any and ONLY computer/marker drawn/colored enterys here.


There has been aguments of computer drawn art having an unfair advantage against hand drawn art. So I have spilt the contest in two parts. Each an INDUVIDUAL contest. So if I hear anything else dealing with spliting them up being unfair itself, then you'll be baned!

Members(People who've joined.)

001: [Kiristo]- Creator.
002: [Lady Alaina]
003: [Leara]
004: [kaeKae.]

Username (or number or email):


2004-11-22 [Lady Alaina]: All chibi's I've seen dont have ears...well,they do,but they were tiny things. XP

2004-11-22 [Leara]: There not that tiny, they do have ears, just that the hair on most chibi's covers it.

2004-11-22 [Lady Alaina]: Well,I didnt know. ¬¬

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: mine doesnt have ears either^^ I'll upload it.. I'm sleepy:) if I forget anything or messed it up please tell:) i could always change stuff eh

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: AWWWW!^^ it's soooooooo CUTE!^^

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: thankies^^ is that a rose on hiei?

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: no, there is no rose in the pic, but there is a jewel attaced to Rika's outfit in the pic.

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: I see:) if you put some white on it it looks like there is light shining on it^^ could make it look cooler:)

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: hmmm...ok, thanks!^^

2004-12-18 [Kiristo]: yo, guys, er girls, check out YYH: Pics

2005-01-13 [Kiristo]: [Aidan Ryuko] is in the lead.....

2005-01-13 [Lady Alaina]: How was hers done? I know it was drawn,but how was it colored?

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: who do you mean alaina

2005-01-13 [Lady Diamanta]: It was probably was colored in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or some other computer paint program.

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: photoshop 7.0:)

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: Can I say a personal opinion without hurting anybodys feelings?

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: sure i guess....i'll let it slide for now..........

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I'm tired of hand-drawn pics getting shredded by PC pics. -_-***

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: it's not about with what the picture is made, it is HOW it is made.. I know enough people who can easily draw a more beautiful picture with a pencil.. also there is special colouring ways like ink or bronze markers who draw a lot better etc.. but it's about the shape not the way..

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I still think that hand-drawn should be in hand-drawn contests and PC pics should be in PC contests. Some people just dont seem to understand how unfair an advantage like that is...

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: yeah, i was thinking the same.

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